Abstract Submission


Attendee Information

Abstract Submission!

Please read the following guidelines before submitting an abstract:

  1. The presenting author should ensure that all the co-authors are aware of the abstract’s content before submission.
  2. The presenting author must be listed as the first author.
  3. Submitted abstracts should include non-published data.
  4. Abstracts presented previously will not be accepted.
  5. All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling with a quality suitable for publication.
  6. All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published on the Conference Proceedings.
  7. Abstracts may not be edited/updated after final submission.
  8. The abstract is successfully submitted until you see a message ‘Your abstract has been submitted. Thank you!’ after clicking the submit button. If you do not see the message, please contact us.

Abstract Template

Paper/Abstract Title: Title of the article (Not More than 20 words)
Author Name List: Author Name 1 , Author Name 2 , Author Name 3, * and Author Name 4
Do all Authors declare no conflicts of interests? Yes or No
This paper/abstract is not submitted elsewhere (except in the form of a thesis) or
currently under consideration by another scientific conference? Yes or No
Presentation Type: Oral or Poster
Presenter Name: Author Name
Title of the Presenter: (Prof. / Dr. / Ms.) (Teacher / Student)
Affiliation of Presenter: (Department, University/Institution) + Country
Proposed theme for the presenter: for example: Climate resilient agriculture (please pick one from the proposed theme)